

  1. I have never had a travel because of all kind of causes.I guess every one at my age likes travelling,I'm not exception.

  2. If i have chances to travel as a packbag traveller,I'll go to Holland to see tulip and mill ,to experience its pastoral life;I'll visit "Water City" to show aroud slowly its old but beautiful by boat ;I'll travel Span for Colosseum The Bullfighting Arena(西班牙斗牛场),Arco di Ccnstantino(君士坦丁大帝的凯旋门)I'll visit Greek for 爱琴海;I'll visit 瑞士for its beautiful natural scenery and exciting skiing;I'll go to Frace for its 卢浮宫 Arc de Triomphe(凯旋门);I'll go 约翰内斯堡for its entertainment;I'll go to Eygpt for her Pyramid......

  3. Many places I want to go,I know I'm greedy,so it may be only my daytime dream,but I'm happy still.

  4. I'll have no pity all my life if I can visit every place in China.The city I most want to visit is Lijiang.There are beautiful scenery,clean air and amiable people .It seemslike a world never be changed,I really want to be a girl who sell something to visitors in beautiful Lijiang.
